Good Harmony

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On Black Friday, I saw rainbows

10/13/06, Black Friday, I saw and watched three rainbows
Black Friday, suppose to be bad. As usual, I did my morning walk. All of a sudden, I saw this rainbow. It was only partial; it was about one third of a circle. Still, it was a rainbow. I decide not to walk back to the house; I stayed outside, on the side of the road, just for watching it. It lasted about twenty minutes. As I walked back, boy! I saw a new one in a different direction. Again, I stayed and watched, it lasted about fifteen minutes. As I walked back, once again, I saw a partial rainbow.
I felt like I was in a theatre, the good heaven is offering me the best show on earth, free of charge. All I have to do is watching.
The phenomenon gave me two facts:
1). Good things can be free.
2). The beautiful time is very short.
Another reality sets in:
How come I only saw rainbow once while I lived in Minnesota for forty years?
How come I don’t remember seeing any rainbow when I was in Taiwan? I do remember the pink sky before the Taifong. And only because, there was a seventy- six- year old retired singer in my car, she said: “Look! Vivi, the rainbow.” If she were not in my car that day, I would not have seen it.
I then arrived a decision: from now on, I will concentrated in creating and remembering worthwhile memories, ignore the lousy ones as much as I can.


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